Team Roster 2024-25

Rachael Lin
11th Grade
Millbrae, CA
Hi! I'm Rachael, and this is my fourth year on the team. I've worked on hardware, CAD, software, and planning. Outside of robotics, I enjoy swimming, reading, and creative writing. I'm incredibly grateful for the time I've spent on the team!

Aanya Gupta
10th Grade
San Francisco, CA
Vice Captain
Hi! I am Aanya! I love to design objects online and programming. In my free time I enjoy dancing, cooking/baking, and hanging out with friends.

Han Lu
10th Grade
San Jose, CA
Hardware Lead
Hi!!! I'm Han and I playing and listening to music. I have a super cute doggy and his name is Brownie. In my spare time I do CAD, music production, and watch botched historical theses.

Ashwin Naren
10th Grade
Santa Clara, CA
Software Lead
I live in the Bay Area and work on software. In my free time, I enjoy swimming, machining, and playing the guitar.

Sejong Kim
10th Grade
Joplin, MO
Outreach Lead
Hi! This is my second year on the team and I love to play tennis, go on runs, cook, and take my dogs for walks. I am super interested in all fields of medicine.

Maxwell Palance
11th Grade
Palo Alto, CA
Hi my name is Maxwell Palance. My main interests are programming, neuroscience, and video games. As far as hobbies go, I am an avid leader of SOHS' Advanced Programming Club and a proud USACO competitor.

Sadie Giessner
10th Grade
Software, Outreach
Hello, I'm Sadie! Though I could never pick a favorite subject (I like them all), I especially enjoy creative writing and computer science. Outside of school, I also love spreadsheets and data of all kinds :) This is my seventh year in robotics (of varying levels), and I'm passionate about helping more people get involved in robotics and the FIRST community.

Aydyn Sathyamoorthy
7th Grade
Concord, CA

Wynn Liang
7th Grade

Alexander Braun
7th Grade

Josh Cohen
9th Grade


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