Freight Frenzy Season: 2021-2022
The 2021-2022 FTC game is Freight Frenzy. The Freight Frenzy challenge features game elements such as freight, shipping hubs, carousels, warehouses, barriers and ducks! Each robot starts against the Playing Field wall adjacent to the Alliance Station and must be in possession of a piece of freight. From there each team will progress through the thirty second autonomous period followed by the two minute long driver controlled period. The last thirty seconds of the match is the end game period.
The Robot

Tournaments and Awards
CA-Nothern San Mateo Qualifying Tournament (01/08/2022)
1st Place - Innovate Award sponsored by Raytheon Technologies
2nd Place - Inspired Award
4th Place - Top Ranked Teams
CA-Nothern Grass Valley Qualifying Tournament (01/21/2022)
1st Place - Innovate Award
2nd Place - Inspire Award
NorCal FTC Regional Championship (Newark, 03/12/2022)
2oth place (

Process and Development
Demo to Palo Alto Elementary School Students
Stanford OHS Pixel Festival Showcase